
Will your community shape its own future?

czb partners with local governments, nonprofit organizations, and neighborhood groups working to improve their communities in the areas of planning, economic vitality, neighborhood health, and housing market balance.

Our clients aspire to deal in the facts that define opportunities, understand the forces that drive politics, and make informed decisions even when it’s difficult. 

No matter where you are starting, we can help.


Planning and Design

Neighborhood Revitalization

Housing Analysis and Strategy

Affordability, Gentrification, and Equity

Public and Small Group Facilitation

Resident Leadership Development


Featured Work

Whether your community wants to be economically stronger, be more equitable, or increase quality of life, we partner with you to find the way forward.

Explore all of our work with cities, towns, and regions across the country



What is the right vision for a city co-existing with others in a busy, complex region?

High Point is one of three major cities in North Carolina's Piedmont Triad region, along with Greensboro and Winston-Salem. Given High Point's location and relationship to its neighboring cities, it must think regionally when it comes to its economy, housing market, and commercial development context, while also specifically dealing with issues that are hyper-local. Balancing regional realities and locally controlled opportunities was key to setting an effective vision for High Point 2045.



High Point 2045 Comprehensive Plan



What kind of development code is necessary to implement a city's brand new vision?

Greenville's new land management ordinance will be the first major effort to implement GVL2040, a pro-growth comprehensive plan (also by czb) that prioritizes land preservation, affordable housing, and multi-modal transportation. To help facilitate progress on these priorities, Greenville's new code will increase the predictability of development processes, enable greater development densities in selected nodes, and clarify the connection between Greenville's emerging urban form and the achievement of its long-range vision. 



Greenville Development Code



How can Baltimore substantially shrink its inventory of vacant properties while nurturing healthier, more inclusive neighborhoods?

Progress on vacant and abandoned housing in Baltimore has been notable in recent years, but stubbornly high concentrations of vacant buildings in neighborhoods with weak demand and high poverty threaten to stall further progress. A new approach is needed that shifts the focus from resolving vacancy to making entire groups of blocks healthy and more resistent to future vacancy. 



Whole Blocks, Whole City

Reclaiming Vacant Property Throughout Baltimore


Where we're working right now

Housing Onondaga

Onindaga County, NY

Visit the project website HousingOnondaga.org

Syracuse Housing Strategy

Syracuse, NY

Visit the project website syracusehousingstudy.org

Fargo Growth Plan 2024

Fargo, ND

Visit the project website fargogrowthplan.org

"czb is an extraordinary group, whom I think of as representing the state of the art in urban planning and housing studies. They don’t just follow a playbook, but think deeply about each community with which they are engaged. Their work is precise, detailed and yet broad in its outlook, and thoroughly grounded in a commitment to equity and opportunity for low-income and vulnerable populations." 

- Alan Mallach | Senior Fellow, Center for Community Progress

czb is an award-winning planning firm working in cities, towns, and regions across America.

Experience. Humility. Curiosity. 

These are the cornerstones of the partnership we forge with our clients, where we learn as much from the community as it learns from us. Meet our team, see what services we can provide, and learn what it’s like to work with us.