We are planners and community developers who believe every community can be better.
Whether your community wants to be economically stronger, be more equitable, or increase quality of life, we partner with you to find the way forward.
What czb does better than any planning practice in the United States is help communities clarify what’s at stake, get the information they need to make good decisions, and help them grow their capacity to manage and implement change.
We help our clients ask the right questions, get the right data (feelings as well as facts), and face the future with confidence--even when challenges loom. The key to making it all work is the real partnership we develop with the communities we serve.
Sharp analysis means asking tough questions. Real engagement means honest conversations. Effective strategy means making choices. So planning processes need to be facilitated with integrity, building trust and credibility along the way. Our team has the mix of experience, skills, and personalities to pull it off. And we have fun doing it.