Troy, NY

how can a neighborhood nonprofit find new revitalization opportunities?


In 2020, Troy Rehabilitation and Improvement, Inc. (TRIP) asked czb to analyze the nonprofit’s approach to neighborhood revitalization to find out if more or better revitalization opportunities existed within the city.

We did a deep dive on Troy and its neighborhood submarkets, but we also looked at the economic, demographic, and development trends of the entire Capital Region to understand how Troy’s neighborhoods stacked up in a regional marketplace. This broad view allowed us to understand the full range of relevant conditions and set realistic aspirations for TRIP’s neighborhood improvement work. The resulting strategy provided a concrete ten year workplan for TRIP and its partners.

A “healthy” neighborhood is a place where it make sense for residents and owners to invest their time, energy and money.

Four factors move together in a self-reinforcing cycle to determine neighborhood health.

Troy in the Region

Without a regional analysis, TRIP risked the possibility of pursuing neighborhood improvement efforts in a vacuum. The desirability of any given neighborhood can only be understood in relation to other choices that a household could make. Grasping regional housing market dynamics frames the true challenges and opportunities facing Troy neighborhoods.

Strategies for East Lansingburgh

The process ultimately uncovered a hidden opportunity in northwest Troy, near the neighborhoods where TRIP had historically worked. The neighborhood of Lansingburgh appeared to be a vulnerable yet recoverable neighborhood, with a strong identity and assets to leverage. The resulting strategy further focused TRIP’s work in East Lansingburgh in order to manage limited resources and increase the odds of revitalization success. Neighborhood organizing, resident leadership development, and granular property by property interventions form the basis of a ten year workplan with clear metrics for success.

"Achieving our contracted goals during a pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions required the kind of adaptability that proved czb’s commitment to community development. Each time we spoke with Charles and other members of the czb team we experienced their passion and high level of competence. TRIP is now uniquely positioned to make a significant impact with the study conducted by them and continue to benefit from their value added support post contract."

- Christine Nealon | President/CEO, Troy Rehabiliation and Improvement