Southern Alleghenies Region, PA

How can six-countIES work together to MAKE THEIR housing SUPPLIES HEALTHIER and MORE COMPETITIVE?


Four years after partnering with Pennsylvania's Southern Alleghenies region on an award-winning comprehensive plan that identified housing as one the region's shared priorities, the Southern Alleghenies Planning & Development Commission hired czb to develop a housing strategy to provide detailed guidance on housing programs and policy. The finished report analyzes market conditions, prevailing levels of demand, and the scale of housing need across the region. It also pinpoints a clear vision for housing, outcomes to achieve, and a framework for making responsive decisions. 

To implement a proposed regional housing toolkit, Alleghenies Ahead on Housing calls for identifying and supporting localized coalitions of diverse partners (employers, governments, philanthropy, and others) to set goals and use a customized combination of tools and resources.

Engaging the Southern Alleghenies region in the conversation

The project's Online Open House provided an opportunity for the public to learn about key housing issues, and to provide input on questions of strategy and prioritization that face the region and its individual counties.

Input from the Open House was used to inform the development of policy guidance and strategies.